Ahojte. Nejak sa mi na macu nepodarilo nahodit zdielanu tlaciaren ktora je pripojena na PC(XP). Na nete som sice nieco nasiel, ale zdalo sa mi to az moc zlozite. Neviete nejaky jednoduchsi sposob? Dakujem
v sys preferences-> printers-> to „+“-> „windows“(pripadne by sa mala objavit aj v zalozke „default“, ale tym si teraz niesom uplne isty) si mozes pridat sietovu tlaciaren(v xp musi byt tato tlaciaren nastavena ako zdielana) niesom teraz bohuzial pripojeny k ziadnemu pc a v leopardovi sa to menu trochu zmenilo, takze ti nepoviem presny postup
no to som skusal este predtym.. ale nechcelo mi to ist… Hodil som tam IP PCcka a automaticky mi to vyhladalo Generic PostScript Printer.. a ked som dal tlacit tak mi to vyhodilo hlasku: Network Host ‚IP‘ is busy… a nic sa nedeje..
Z druheho XPcka to mam nastavene v pohode.. dokonca aj z linuxu to islo v poho… len tu mi to nejak nejde.. skusal som driver aj vyhladat manualne, ale zrovna moju tlaciaren (HP psc 1219) som tam nenasiel..
no ja mam problem opacny – tlaciaren (HP LaserJet 1160) pripojena na MAC (Macmini, Leopard) a je problem sa na nu pripojit z Windows XP – system tlaciaren najde ale po nainstalovani ovladacov hlasi Access denied – zaujimave ze ked sa nainstaluju ovladace k Apple 8500 tlaciarni namiesto k HP 1160 tak aj skrz tu hlasku tlacit ide ale cez original HP drivre nie – neviem ci je na vine Leopard (skusenejsi jablckari mi vraveli ze Leopard ma nejake problemy so sdielanim ) alebo proste spojenie Mac a Windows … Neviete niekto poradit ?
Mám podobný problém pridám tlačiareň do siete aj ju vidím v pošlem na nu niečo talčiť a tu nastane problem a vypíše on holdon(autorizačný rekvest) a nič sa nedeje. Som pripojený cez wifi a tlačiareň je zdieľana na win 7. No na PC s vistou to ide v pohode no ten PC je spojený káblom na router.
Problem je po poslednej aktualizacii Leoparda. Urobili nam to len niektore tlaciarne v sieti – podla vsetkeho tie, ktore pouzivaju len urcite komunikacne protokoly. Neskumal som vsak, ktore idu, a ktore nie.
Ako pise Jozef – problem je v CUPS.
Riesenie som nasiel na nete – prepise sa jeden riadok:
Apple’s 10.6.8 update has caused some printers to break (printers that have been working fine for years), and we are looking for a resolution to this from Apple. For users who are seeing this problem in the field and can’t wait for a fix from Apple, there is a workaround.
This workaround consists of adding a *cupsSNMPSupplies: False line to a ppd file in the /etc/cups/ppd folder. You’ll need administrative privileges to perform this workaround. Detailed steps are outlined below.
For this example we will use ColorPrinter as the name of the printer affected by the 10.6.8 update.
1. From the Finder menu choose Go, then Go to Folder…
2. Enter /etc/cups/ppd in the Go to Folder dialog box and choose Go.
3. Find the ppd named ColorPrinter.ppd. (This is the same name as the ColorPrinter in Print and Fax with a .ppd extension. )
4. Drag the ColorPrinter.ppd to the Desktop.
5. Open the ColorPrinter.ppd with TextEdit.
6. At the end of the PPD add the following line exactly as written: *cupsSNMPSupplies: False
7. Save the modified ColorPrinter.ppd to the Desktop.
8. From the /etc/cups/ppd folder, move the original ColorPrinter.ppd to the trash. Authenticate when prompted.
9. Drag the modified ColorPrinter.ppd from the Desktop to the /etc/cups/ppd folder. Authenticate when prompted.
10. Printing should now work as expected. (You may have to start the print queue if it was previously paused