yosemite 10.10.1

Domov Diskusné Fóra Pomoc: software yosemite 10.10.1

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  • Autor
  • #396845
    Marcel Polák
    Účastník (Participant)

    Ďakujem za snahu.
    Zálohu mám, obnoviť viem súbor, aplikáciu, no ako obnoviť systém, na to som neprišiel -predpokladám, že sa to nedá…
    V podstate je to i tak jedno, na fóre Apple.com som našiel chlapíka, čo mal ten istý problém a zverejnil tam riešenie, čo dostal od výrobcu Parallelsu. Už mi to fičí.

    Účastník (Participant)

    Marcel, a aké je to riešenie, poradíš nám? :)

    Marcel Polák
    Účastník (Participant)

    Jasné, preposielam:

    barjoOct 21, 2014 4:31 AM
    Re: Problem with yosemite and parallelsin response to Soren.Schmidt | This solved my question
    Thanks for the response. I was searching on a parallels forum website and found the following:

    As from the symptoms, the issue can lie in NVRAM preferences of your particular Mac.

    Please do the following to solve:

    open Terminal application on Mac (Applications/Terminal.app)

    please type this command (you may copy-paste it to the terminal from this message):

    sudo nvram boot-args=”debug=0xd4e”

    Hit Enter.

    You will be prompted to enter Mac user password. Please type it and hit Enter.

    Note: you won’t see what you are typing, just type and hit Enter. If you don’t have Mac user password, please create a temporary one.

    Then you may restart your Mac and the issue should be solved.

    If not – please reply me here and I’ll create a ticket for you in Support.

    I did the above and it seemed to correct the problem.

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