Nefunguje Transfer Purchases

Domov Diskusné Fóra Pomoc: iPad, iPhone, iPod, iTunes Nefunguje Transfer Purchases

Zobrazuje sa 6 príspevkov - 1 až 6 (z celkového počtu 6 )
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  • #106394
    Lukáš Raynor Majer
    Účastník (Participant)

    Vôbec mi nefunguje transfer purchases, appku si stiahnem na iPade ale do Macbooku ju nedostanem, transfer purchases nerobí nič :-(

    stalo sa to po prechode na iOS 9 na iPad Air 2, dnes som updatol iPod touch na najnovší a tam to tiež prestalo fungovať… čo s tým?

    Účastník (Participant)

    Tiez mam ten isty problem, ale neriesim. Pravdepodobne to mam preto lebo mam kupene rozne apps inymi kartami a v inych app storoch..

    Lukáš Raynor Majer
    Účastník (Participant)

    This is not a bug, it’s a new way of transferring apps. I spoke to an Apple technician about this problem and the story is that iOS 9 does not download the complete application to your iOS device any longer, it only downloads the components that are specific to the particular device it was downloaded on. If it did transfer to app into iTunes and it was downloaded on an iPhone, it would not have the necessary components to load it into an iPad. Because of this new behaviour which is meant to save space, newly purchased items will not be transferred to iTunes.

    So what you have to do to get your newly purchased items into iTunes, is to download the app directly into iTunes. When you do this the full app will be downloaded which can then be transferred to any iOS device that supports that app.

    So you need to open iTunes and click on ‚Purchased‘ in the drop down menu to the left of the search bar, that has your name on it after you sign in. Then you click on the ‚Apps‘ button and you will see all your apps including your newly purchased apps that did not transfer over from your iPhone. You then search for the App and then cluck the Cloud button with the downward pointing arrow and the full app will now download to iTunes and it will appear in the list of downloaded App, when you plug your iDevice into iTunes and click on it’s icon and then go to the Apps item under Summary. There it will appear with the standard „Remove“ or „Install“ button next to it, and all will again be right with the world.


    bravó Apple, ako si teraz nahodím jednu super appku, ktorú mám len na iPade a z AppStore bola vymazaná???

    Účastník (Participant)

    Zaujimave, ze som sa o takom nicom este nedozvedel. Lukas: Cez iFunbox alebo take veci to nejde urobit?

    Účastník (Participant)

    zaujala ma jedna veta: newly purchased items will not be transferred to iTunes.

    bud si to stihol tak, ze si nahodil iOS9, kupil si app a hned potom ju stiahli, alebo nemaju pravdu… ako sa vola ta super appka?

    Lukáš Raynor Majer
    Účastník (Participant)


Zobrazuje sa 6 príspevkov - 1 až 6 (z celkového počtu 6 )
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