Apple Battery Update 1.2

Neočakávane bol práve zverejnený update firmware baterky pre notebook-y MacBook a MacBook Pro. Nie je mi jasné, o čo sa presne jedná, jediná informácia k update je, že vylepšuje vlastnosti baterky. Hm… čo si pod tým máme predstaviť, asi necháva Apple na každom z nás :)

  1. Treba tohle:

    In response to this problem, Apple has released a firmware update for those Intel-based Mac laptops. According to Apple’s website describing the battery update (available both via the web and Software Update), you can identify an affected battery because it will have „one or more of the following symptoms“:

    * Battery is not recognized causing an “X” to appear in the battery icon in the Finder menu bar.
    * Battery will not charge when computer is plugged into AC power.
    * Battery exhibits low charge capacity/runtime when using a fully charged battery with a battery cycle count (as shown in System Profiler) of less than 300.
    * Battery pack is visibly deformed.

    That whole „visibly deformed“ thing makes me think that not all batteries can be fixed by a software update. That suspicion appears to be confirmed by the fact that Apple’s website specifies that the next step after running the update—if you are still experiencing these problems—is to immediately take it into an Apple Store for battery replacement. If your battery is not showing any of the above symptoms, you do not need a replacement.


  2. No jo Twinsene . .ale to nie je oficialne stanovisko od Apple .. toto moze byt kludne z kategorii rumors :) Ale vzdy lepsie nieco ako nic ..ze ano ?

  3. Ešte dodám výpis zo System Profileru:

    Battery Information:

    Battery Installed: Yes

    First low level warning: No

    Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 462

    Remaining Capacity (mAh): 363

    Amperage (mA): 0

    Voltage (mV): 12019

    Cycle Count: 242

  4. No mne ju v macsysteme zadarmo vymenili. Uplne mi zdochla bateria, nenabijala sa a vyhodilo to „X“ v baterry icon. Cakam na novu bateriu teraz. No som zvedavy ako sa bude spravat nova bateria s novym firmwarom.

  5. Tak isto potvrdzujem … pred upgrade firmware mi baterka ukazovala maximalne Health 95% .. pri 41 cykloch (aj ked som sa niekolko krat pokusal spravit uplne vybitie a nabitie a nepomohlo to zvysit hodnotu Health). Ale po upgrade a 2 cykloch uplneho vybitia a nabitia na jeden krat mi poskocil Health na 99% …

  6. A este som zabudol poznamenat, ze pred upgrade mi vydrzala baterka max. 2-3 hodiny .. teraz drzi 3-4 hodiny .. takze len pozitivna skusenost s novym upgrade .. vrele doporucujem

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